Startup Roadmap Example A Strategic Approach

No matter what type of roadmap you create, it should be centered around the big picture and problems to solve, not solutions to those problems. It’s very easy to fall into a trap of creating a roadmap that’s solely focused on new features and when they’ll be delivered because that’s usually what makes stakeholders most comfortable. However, it removes autonomy from the team to find solutions it roadmap to the problems that are outside of previously defined solutions. Next, managers must define their roadmap audience, meaning the people they will present the plan to. Depending on the initiative, the IT team may offer the roadmap to a board of executives, supervisors, or the owner. If the reader is not familiar with IT, the presentation should not include technical jargon.

stages of creating an IT roadmap

Keep in mind all these elements while creating a project roadmap as each of them is important for the final result. A timeline and a schedule where the activities and their timeframes necessary for successful project implementation are situated. It is a result that you and your team aim to achieve when the project is over.

When creating your technology roadmap, ensure it is easy to understand and implement. Only essential contents on a need-to-know basis should be detailed in your technology roadmap. The projects covered in a technology roadmap typically take months to complete. And because your team’s priorities can change many times during that period, you’ll want to review your technology roadmap regularly throughout the process. That way, your team is continuing to make progress according to your original plan and goals. The level of detail of your roadmap needs to leave room for innovation and agile responsiveness.

☑️ Securing executive sponsorship for your technology roadmap

What capabilities you need to get your startup off the ground and growing. We offer advice and technical support to all GB Advisors’ personnel. Contact and interact with potential customers, to detect their real needs. Its name derives from the analogy with maps, because that’s exactly what it does; plotting a path in which complex operational strategies are visualized within a standardized framework. This map or path takes into account all aspects and objects, such as technologies or products, and their connections. This system can help you discover, configure, and secure your IT endpoints to effectively manage all your user’s information.

  • After deciding on the primary goals, it is time to develop a plan of action.
  • That is why leaving space for unpredicted work is always a good idea.
  • Depending on the type of project, IT workers can prioritize any number of components.
  • They can use their functional strategies to begin working with IT leadership to determine which types of technology projects will be required to achieve their goals.
  • Martin loves entrepreneurship and has helped dozens of entrepreneurs by validating the business idea, finding scalable customer acquisition channels, and building a data-driven organization.
  • Customer-facing teams like sales, marketing, customer success, and support to help them see what you’re delivering feature-wise to support your objectives and provide details on the target customer.

Support may want to focus on fixing bugs, for example, while sales is more interested in a new feature requested by a promising prospect. And though your customers are a valuable source of feedback, they tend to voice the solutions they think they need rather than their underlying problem. To tackle over the near- to mid-term in relation to key date-based milestones (like when they’ll need to raise money again, for example). Easily keep everyone aligned on priorities, centralize all your customer feedback, and always know what to build with confidence. P2P Podcast An original product management podcast for / by product people. ProServeIT identified the gaps that Six Degrees Medical was experiencing both from a process and technology standpoint and delivered a list of recommendations, organized by priority.

As we outlined in the table above, different teams will look for different things on your product roadmap. Depending on your audience, you may choose from a few types of product roadmaps to clearly present the most relevant view. Each roadmap type shows similar information presented in a slightly different way — usually with varying degrees of specificity. Leadership teams and board members want to understand how your product plans align with the company vision, strategy, goals, and high-level business metrics. That said, the best product roadmaps involve cross-functional collaboration.

How to Create a Winning Project Roadmap: Tips and Tricks for Various Teams

It should be a plan that demonstrates how your technology initiatives support your product initiatives. As a product manager, you lead the charge in collecting research, ideas, and feedback, translating and prioritizing these materials into features, and ultimately building the roadmap itself. Once it is built, you will share the roadmap and any progress with stakeholders.

stages of creating an IT roadmap

In this case, create a concise, clear visual that has context, date, and a version number. AUX roadmap is a strategic, living artifact that aligns, prioritizes, and communicates a UX team’s future work and the problems it needs to solve. Roadmaps are successful when they make realistic promises, value functionality over pretty visuals, or are strategic documents instead of feature-specific release plans. There is one caveat to our suggestion — that you keep the details out of your roadmap.

Why You Need a Strategic IT Roadmap

Our step-by-step guide will show you how to build product roadmaps that rally everyone in the organization around where the product is headed and why. We offered a couple of ways to approach technology roadmapping in the previous chapter, but here we do a deeper-dive into how to get to those final products. Whether you end up with a Swimlane or Timeline View of your roadmap , you’ll encounter similar questions and points of consideration when creating your roadmap. There is no doubt that technology is a critical business tool in this day and age – organizations need technology to be able to thrive. Communicates the activities that must happen before you can bring releases to market — what needs to be done when and who is responsible for delivery.

stages of creating an IT roadmap

Maybe the production system needs reconfiguring and it’s hindering your devs and causing them to lose their hair. Or your database system is out-of-date and needs to be updated to 21st century standards. Whatever the case, identifying holes in your infrastructure can highlight what needs to be addressed first. From there you can figure out how you can bring in technologies to alleviate these issues, which in turn will shape what you put on the roadmap first and second and third and so on. Building a roadmap is a commendable stride toward product greatness.

Benefits of having a technology roadmap

It’s your responsibility to make sure everyone understands their place in the plan. And now that we’ve covered most of the theory, let’s see how you can create your own tech roadmap. By defining the logical order of the tasks at hand, you create the project’s backbone. It’s not always easy for these two branches to agree on critical issues.

stages of creating an IT roadmap

Release roadmaps are helpful for coordinating release activities with other cross-functional teams, such as marketing, sales, and customer support. The marketing team will want to see everything from your goals down to features — with an emphasis on overall benefits to customers. This helps them prepare for more impactful go-to-market campaigns. Engineers need to understand the high-level strategy (the “why”) along with the specifics of your releases, features, and requirements (the “when” and “what”). This helps them formulate the “how” — the development work required to build each feature. Software teams can get creative with roadmaps and find unique strategies to consolidate information.

How to build a product roadmap

Thus, before starting with a goal set 18 months ago, test the current waters and study alternatives. That’s why quarterly revisions of a roadmap are useful to keep its goals aligned to the business strategy. Software is eating the world, and as a decade ago, this statement doesn’t lose a bit of meaning. Most likely, your business communicates with its customers online and provides some products or services on the internet. To be useful and profitable, these products and services must be developed, released, and updated, and dev roadmap helps oversee this situation. Obviously, the bigger and more complicated your project is, the more necessary you need this project management tool.

Assign Team Member Roles

If you are interested in creating an effective and realistic plan then you should definitely learn how to build a good roadmap. Get all the benefits of a complete, high-tech phone system, without worrying about the costly maintenance fees. With Freshdesk Contact Center, you can have access to a modern Call Center in the cloud that enhances interactions with your customers. Cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated, but with BeyondTrust you can stay ahead of them!

The building blocks of excellent product roadmaps

Don’t limit yourself to what society tells you success should look like; define your own version of success and blaze a path full of joy-fueled possibilities. Let’s also define success; Success means different things for different people, but ultimately success is about fulfillment and reaching a level of satisfaction with your efforts. Success leads to rewarding experiences, from feeling accomplished after a job well done to have complete freedom to choose how you want to live. Success doesn’t necessarily come from lofty or significant accomplishments – it can be found in the day-to-day victories and small wins. This step is about being clear what you want to achieve and what constitutes success. In the early stages, these challenges often revolve around funding, establishing your first MVP of the product and finding the right founding team.

Who can directly benefit from technology roadmaps?

It also helps these functional leaders be strategic when requesting new technology or asking for improvements to current infrastructure. Many product teams use roadmapping software to visualize their plans — this is the best way to keep everyone aligned and your product roadmap automatically updated. If you are interested in trying it for yourself, this video shows how to get started with Aha! And the more inclusive your roadmapping process is, the greater organizational alignment and support you will have when you release that new experience. When you rally other teams around your product roadmap along the way, your product’s success is a collective celebration.

The most critical part of roadmapping occurs at the beginning. Roadmaps must have a clear purpose, stakeholder support, and buy-in in order to be effective. For each epic or theme on the roadmap, explain in just a few words what you plan to do, what you anticipate it will achieve for the company, and why that’s a good thing. Then explain what you expect it to do for the company, and why you’re sure it’s a smart move. Until they know how your technology plan will benefit the business, your coworkers and executives won’t care how you plan to accomplish it.

With a roadmap like this, your IT administrators and managerial staff can monitor which apps are in use and follow the process of maintaining or updating them. If you would like to see more detail on any of the samples, you can click on the name above it and open up an interactive version of it online. This review is based on my own experience and is my genuine opinion. She works at the intersection of design research, strategy, and user experience design. Comb through your inputs and create an inventory of candidate problems that you will need to solve.