Integration test: Big bang, Bottom up, Top down and Sandwich testing strategies Informatica e Ingegneria Online

For the bottom-up approach, preference is given to the sub-modules. They are first developed and go through testing before any other module in the system. The other part of the software can follow through for their testing just after the sub-module testing is completed.

  • This test ensures that the integrated units work properly as a unit.
  • But that is what we want to do; we want to test a Unit in isolation!
  • The preceding figure shows that the module 1, 2, and 3 are individually completed and tested.
  • Lower level modules are tested & integrated first and then higher level modules are tested & integrated.

The top-level modules are tested with low-level modules and the low-level modules are tested with high-level modules simultaneously. Each module interface is tested, so there are fewer chances of a defect. Normally integration testing is performed after unit testing, which tests the individual components. It then combines those tested units to start performing the integration testing. With the primary goal to test the interfaces between the units. In the incremental testing method, testing is carried out by integrating two or more logically connected modules, and the application’s optimal operation is then tested.

Incremental integration testing

The stubs are used so that the testers do not have to wait for the lower components to be developed in order to be test the higher components thoroughly. Integration testing detects bugs that were not detected What is top-down testing during unit testing, focusing on a set of components that you integrate. Classic top-down or bottom-up integration testing strategies are used with traditional, hierarchically structured software.

top-down testing

As we understood in the earlier section of software testing, every software or application encompasses various modules that are contrary to each other through an interface. At the time of module development, there are wide chances of change in requirements by the clients. These new requirements may not be unit tested and hence system integration Testing becomes necessary. Another stub replaces present real or control module after completion of each set of tests. These stubs act as s temporary replacement for a called module and give same result or output as actual product gives. The four types of integration testing include the Top down approach, Mixed approach.

What is Bottom-Up Approach?

There are several approaches to integration testing, each presenting its own benefits and challenges. In sandwich integration testing, the system is considered to be made up of three layers. After requirements gathering, analysis and design was complete, one developer was assigned to develop each of the modules below.

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Top down integration testing is a type of incremental testing where we move from top to down and keep integrating modules as we move ahead. To understand the concept of top down integration testing, we can construct a small example with familiar components used in a web application. A Big bang test is an integration test that integrates all components or modules together at the same time. During testing, this combined set of components is considered an entity.

Why integration testing is essential

Now, we are the smallest module in the first iteration that has no dependency beneath it. But, we may need to have the support of the modules above it to confirm whether the response this module is sending above is correct. The basic construction or principle of a driver is similar to the stub. Still, it is considered different from it due to its usage in different scenarios in testing and working with a whole other segment of return responses. LambdaTest provides automated testing with frameworks such as Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer, Appium, and more.

Some software engineers and developers use multiple approaches, or a hybrid to achieve their desired testing efficiency. Finally, the sandwich approach is considered a hybrid of the two previously mentioned testing approaches. The system has three layers, the main target layer in the middle, with a layer above and below it. Within incremental integration testing a range of possibilities exist, partly depending on the system architecture. When they deployed all of their code in a common machine, they found that the application did not work as expected since the individual modules did not work well together. There were bugs like – after logging in, the user’s shopping cart did not show items they had added earlier, the bill amount did not include shipping cost etc.

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We can perform it to see how 2 service classes interact with each other, how a service interacts with a datastore, how the UI responds to the backend. ” as temporary replacements for the actual modules, similar to the “drivers” of the bottom-up approach. If not properly formatted when transferring, the data can’t be read and processed, resulting in bugs. Integration testing is required to pinpoint where the issue lies for troubleshooting. Big bang testing happens when all developers put their work together and see if it works.

top-down testing

The bottom-up integration testing starts with the construction of the fundamental modules (i.e., lowest level program elements). It integrates the components residing at the lowest level (i.e., lowest level) by providing a process and eliminates the need of the stubs. As the integration goes towards the upper direction, the requirement of the separate test drivers decreases. Hence, the amount of overhead is also reduced as compared to Top-bottom integration testing approach. Meaning lower-level modules are tested & integrated first to execute certain software functions. If the higher-level module isn’t constructed yet, a temporary program called DRIVERS is used for mimicking the main module.

How to do Integration Testing?

As well as ensuring that the influence of either one does not create any issues. Another challenge that may be presented during testing is when integrating a new system into a legacy system. With numerous testing approaches, it can be challenging to decide on the most efficient, and effective approach. It can be difficult to know which testing approach is the most suitable for your system.

The driver is used in the bottom-up integration to arrange test case input and output. As a set of test is accomplished, the remaining stub is replaced with the actual component. Many candidates are rejected or down-leveled in technical interviews due to poor performance in behavioral or cultural fit interviews. Ace your interviews with this free course, where you will practice confidently tackling behavioral interview questions.

What are Different Types of Integration Testing?

Let’s imagine we have a Gmail application where we perform integration testing. A bottom-up integration test is ideal for white box testing, since it allows drivers to be written easily. As for black box testing, no preference is given to any testing, since it depends on the application. Integrating various components of an application and testing their behavior as a single unit is known as thread testing or string testing.