What Is a Halfway House?

Sober living homes vary in cost from inexpensive ($100-$300/month) to expensive (over $2,000/month), but many are in the range of $400 to $800 per month depending on where you live. You should expect to spend around the same amount of money you’d spend on rent for a modest apartment. You may be required to interview for jobs if you don’t already have one.

A who pays for a halfway house house serves a variety of different people in need of a drug and alcohol-free living environment. This 24/7 support is conducive to adjusting to a new way of life and providing a safe community for those in early recovery. Since sober living typically follows addiction treatment, getting a referral from the treatment provider is recommended. Other referral sources may include the criminal justice system, a mental health professional, Twelve Step meeting participants, or friends and family. Whatever the source of the referral, take a tour of the facility and talk to the people living there to decide if it’s the right fit for you. A halfway house is a living facility where people go as a part of their drug rehab aftercare. Many individuals that have been living in prisons or jails for extended periods of time also don’t have anywhere to live.

Patient Care Network

Typically, the completion of a rehabilitation program is a requirement when transitioning to a halfway house. Halfway houses are also not equipped to provide the medical care and mental health services provided at treatment centers. Because many residents of halfway houses are recovering addicts, halfway houses are also called sober houses. However, there is a significant difference between halfway houses and sober houses. In the U.S., most halfway houses will provide a treatment program in conjunction with rehabilitation. These treatment programs will usually occur in the daytime along with both group and individual counseling for substance abuse. And the typical length of stay at a halfway house is between one and six months with insurance for behavioral health covering the costs of the halfway house.

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Similarly, they are a https://ecosoberhouse.com/ option while patients are in an outpatient treatment program. Halfway houses provide the necessary support, stability, encouragement, and safety helpful to the residents’ recovery. If you struggle with substance abuse, getting sober may be one of the hardest things you ever do. Many alcoholics and drug addicts start recovery by entering a medical facility to safely detox from their drug of choice. Residential treatment is a logical next step, but you may not be sure what to do after you’ve completed your inpatient stay. People debate the pros and cons of halfway houses and how they differ from sober living homes before making a decision. The majority of halfway houses don’t restrict who can live at the facility.

What to Expect at a Halfway House

Experts estimate that more than 2 million people participate in some form of drug and alcohol treatment every year. Although people progress through treatment at different rates, countless studies have indicated that recovery depends largely on treatment length.


Halfway houses offer very few amenities compared to sober living homes. A halfway house also may be located in a less than desirable neighborhood. Make sure you ask questions before moving in so that you understand the services provided, the expectations of the residents, and any costs you may incur. After completing detox and residential treatment in a facility, most people feel excited to get back to the comfort of their own homes. They want to be surrounded by the familiar, including family and friends. Peer-managed halfway houses – Highly motivated individuals may do well in peer-managed halfway houses, in which residents are accountable to themselves and one another. In this environment, residents frequently meet to determine how the house will function and how responsibilities and chores will be divided.