KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

For the first time, KnowBe4 has a booth at RSA in San Francisco, and Kevin Mitnick is there for his popular card-exchange, where attendees get his stainless steel lockpick business card. Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training is now used in well over stock trading 101 with robinhood update 400 enterprise sites. Major upgrade of back-end console V2.0 released, including custom templates and landing pages. With the release, KnowBe4 introduces the free Phishing Security Test. Customers of all sizes can get the KnowBe4 platform deployed into production twice as fast as our competitors. Our Customer Success team gets you going in no time, without the need for consulting hours.

Keeping You Aware.Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks. Shifting organizational behavior requires a recognition that simply exposing employees to security-related information will never be enough. In fact, some organizations may even have horror stories of phishing simulations that have backfired, resulting in more harm than good. Yet, security leaders, auditors, and adult-learning experts agree that the best way to train secure reflexes is through simulation (not information).

KnowBe4 Q is 358% over the fourth quarter of 2014, reaching 2,500+ enterprise accounts and more than 70 full-time employees. We are proud of the fact that almost 50% of our team are women, whereas the average number of women in cyber security teams is just 20% of employees. Show that you are being very intentional about starting your program and you will more likely get the support, budget and resources you need to get it started. Use a SMARTER goal-setting framework, goals should be Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Risky, Time-keyed, Exciting and Relevant.

As people successfully handle simulated phishing campaigns, they can be given less training. Alternatively, people who have successive failures can be automatically targeted for more training using a KnowBe4 feature known as smart groups. KnowBe4 Managed Services can help you decide on the appropriate level and rate of learning for both types of groups. Difficulty ratings are switched up to test users across different levels of phishing sophistication, mimicking the different types of real-world phishing attacks your users will see (as graphically shown below).

Request A Demo: Security Awareness Training

Since starting KnowBe4, he sleeps better at night and users are constantly aware of cyberattacks. Take the baseline test and see what percentage of your employees are ‘Phish-prone’ by setting up an easy to use, simulated phishing email. KnowBe4’s record Q is our 19th straight quarter vz stock news and research articles of growth, with a year-over-year sales increase of 255%, bringing customer accounts to well over 15,000. Q2 of 2017 is well over double that of Q2 2016, marking our 17th straight quarter of growth. June is an all-time high month and, for the first time ever, we add more than 1,000 new customers in one month. KnowBe4 sees security awareness training go from lunchroom to boardroom, and has seen explosive growth for eight consecutive quarters.

Investing in a program and not having any insight to prove its value is a huge problem. It’s easy to get lost in a ton of metrics, but best to focus on a few areas that show changes in behavior and can consistently be validated through easily accessible tools. Ask yourself, do you have the capacity and capability and talent within the organization to be able to put out a product that will actually drive quality training and the behavior change you’re looking for? Even organizations that have dedicated internal training teams can struggle with this.

  1. KnowBe4 Managed Services is experienced in selecting the right training and amount of training for your users.
  2. This should ideally occur when first hired and at least once each year thereafter.
  3. KnowBe4 wants to combat this issue by sending your employees to cybersecurity boot camp.
  4. The reduction in risk is shown in easy-to-understand reports showing your organization’s progress using its own data.

Moving to a new 15,000-square-foot office space allows expansion to 100 employees. After 18 months of development, we release KnowBe4 Compliance Manager. Forrester Research has named KnowBe4 a Leader in Forrester Wave for Security Awareness and Training Solutions for several years in a row. KnowBe4 received the highest scores possible in 17 of the 23 evaluation criteria, including learner content and go-to-market approach. We support and stand behind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. All human beings should be treated with decency, kindness and respect.

The Inside Man – Security Awareness Video Series

KnowBe4 has a blowout Q1, growing 299% year-over-year, and makes it into the Cybersecurity 500, the definitive list of the world’s hottest and most innovative companies in the cybersecurity industry. KnowBe4 Q is 400% over Q3 2014, reaching 2,000 enterprise accounts and more than 50 full-time employees. KnowBe4 is now the world’s most popular integrated Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform.

Latest KnowBe4 Insights, Trends and Security News

We acquire exploqii in Berlin, expanding our footprint in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We also achieve the #2 bdswiss review 2021 and detailed trading information spot on the Cybersecurity Ventures 500 list and the #60 spot on Fortune’s 100 Best Workplaces for Millennials. KnowBe4 moves from #38 to #6 on the Cybersecurity 500, the list of the world’s hottest security companies.

These principles are aimed at recognizing that humans can become an effective last line of defense for your organization when given proper training, motivation, and support. This is important when it comes to training because if content isn’t appealing to the audience it’s in front of, it doesn’t feel relevant to them and won’t stick with them. The human mind learns through storytelling, security awareness training is no different. A story contains contextual information that a boring, written policy simply cannot. People learn in many different ways and naturally gravitate toward different types of content, so it makes sense that if you use a one-dimensional approach in training, you are going to lose a huge part of your audience.

Your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) will work with you to tailor your program requirements based on your organizational goals, objectives, and desired outcomes. Whether or not you deploy KnowBe4’s software and services yourself, you can rest assured that we will help make your experience as easy and successful as possible. KnowBe4 prides itself on the easiest-to-use software and services for both admins and end-users. End-users will receive email invitations to take training and quizzes.

KnowBe4 doubles year-over-year sales for Q2 2018, for 21 straight quarters of growth. June shows highest-ever numbers in sales per day, week, month and quarter. Kevin Mitnick and KnowBe4 Stu Sjouwerman do the Cyber Investing Summit Keynote at The NYSE, showing how easy it is to clone a prox card, send someone a phishing attack with a malicious PDF and more.

For customers of KnowBe4, the Ongoing Phishing Security Tests will need to ‘persist’ email addresses so that we can periodically send simulated phishing attacks to the correct individuals. This will also be used so that you can track which of your users are failing the tests. The addresses will not be used for any purpose other than the security audit, nor will the addresses be given/sold to any third-parties for any purposes. Usually, the training content sent monthly is of shorter duration (1-5 minutes) than other types of training, and is focused on preventing popular types of social engineering. KnowBe4 keeps track of real-world phishing attacks to determine current and emerging trends and to make training and simulated phishing recommendations. Every security awareness training platform needs to be more inclusive than just fighting email phishing.

A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010. KnowBe4 wants to combat this issue by sending your employees to cybersecurity boot camp. Don’t fear though, they can do this all in the office without losing company time! KnowBe4 is the world’s largest integrated platform for security awareness training combined with simulated phishing attacks.

KnowBe4’s highly effective, frequent, random Phishing Security Tests provide several remedial options if an employee falls for a simulated phishing attack. The cybersecurity risk of each individual user and the aggregated cybersecurity risk of the entire organization can be calculated and tracked. A personalized risk score is generated for each user based on their simulated phishing tests’ successes and failures, training completion, job function, and custom booster score that the organization can add. All of the personal risk scores can be aggregated on a per-business-unit basis or for the entire organization. A big part of security awareness training is educating people about the red flags of social engineering, and doing that in the moment that someone fails a simulated phishing test is crucial to their learning. KnowBe4 Managed Services starts by using a baseline simulated phishing campaign to gauge your organization’s current phish-prone percentage.