OWASP Top Ten Proactive Controls 2018 C1: Define Security Requirements OWASP Foundation

This patched code will invalidate the session when authentication is successful and creates a new session cookie value. This changes the post-login session cookie value, and Session Fixation vulnerability cannot be exploited. Many developers have a tough time handling authorization, and at some point leave a gap that gets exploited, leading to unauthorized data access. Authentication takes care of your identity, whereas authorization makes sure that you have the authority or privilege to access a resource like data or some sensitive information.

Just as business requirements help us shape the product, security requirements help us take into account security from the get-go. If there’s one habit that can make software more secure, it’s probably input validation. Here’s how to apply OWASP Proactive Control C5 (Validate All Inputs) to your code. First, security vulnerabilities continue to evolve and a top 10 list simply can’t offer a comprehensive understanding of all the problems that can affect your software. Entirely new vulnerability categories such as XS Leaks will probably never make it to these lists, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about them.

OWASP: Proactive Controls

If at any point in time you have to modify an access control check, then you will have to change it at multiple locations, which is not feasible for large applications. Depending upon the programming language a developer uses to build an application, regular expression can easily be implemented in it. Another advantage of regular expressions is that there are many industry tested regular expressions for all popular input types. So you don’t have to write one from scratch and then get it security tested. It is better to use industry tested regular expressions than writing one on your own (which in most cases will be flawed). In this vulnerable code, the ‘Statement’ class is used to create a SQL statement, and at the same time it is modified by directly adding user input to it, then it is executed to fetch results from the database.

  • You may even be tempted to come up with your own solution instead of handling those sharp edges.
  • This list was originally created by the current project leads with contributions from several volunteers.
  • This story contains the same message as the traditional requirement from ASVS, with additional user or attacker details to help make the requirement more testable.
  • Authentication and secure storage is not just limited to the username-password module of an application.
  • In the above case, if a user enters +890, then a blacklist will say it is valid because it does not contain A-Z.

Instead of creating a custom approach to security for every application, standard security requirements allow developers to reuse the definition of security controls and best practices. In this session, Jim walked us through the list of OWASP Top 10 proactive controls and how to incorporate them into our web applications. This approach is suitable for adoption by all developers, even those who are new to software security. Security requirements provide a foundation of vetted security functionality for an application.

OWASP Proactive Control 3 — securing database access

Implementing authorization is one of the key components of application development. It has to be ensured at all times that access certain parts of the application should be accessible to users with certain privileges only. Input validation can be implemented in a web application using regular expressions. A regular expression is an object that describes a pattern of characters.

What is OWASP proactive controls?

This control is the unique representation of a subject as it engages in an online transaction. A Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is when an application is used as a proxy to access local or internal resources, bypassing the security controls that protect against external access. As vulnerabilities are discovered in them, you need to ensure continuous updates are applied to them to reduce exposure.

How to Use this Document

In order to achieve secure software, developers must be supported and helped by the organization they author code for. As software developers author the code that makes up a web application, they need to embrace and practice a wide variety of secure coding techniques. All tiers of a web application, the user interface, the business logic, the controller, the database code and more – all need to be developed with security in mind. This can be a very difficult task and developers are often set up for failure.

It is impractical to track and tag whether a string in a database was tainted or not. Instead, you build proper controls in the presentation layer, such as the browser, to escape any data provided to it. However, development managers, product owners, Q/A professionals, program managers, and anyone involved in building software can also benefit from this document. The checklists that follow are general lists that are categorised to follow the controls listed in the
OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls project.

Enforce Access Controls¶

In this post, you’ll learn how using standard and trusted libraries with secure defaults will greatly help you implement secure authentication. In this part of OWASP ProActive Controls, we discussed in depth how ProActive Controls 1-5 can be used in an application as a secure coding practice to safeguard it from well-known attacks. The controls discussed do not modify application development lifecycle, but ensure that application security is given the same priority as other tasks and can be carried owasp controls out easily by developers. Using secure coding libraries and software frameworks with embedded security helps software developers guard against security-related design and implementation flaws. A developer writing an application from scratch might not have sufficient knowledge, time, or budget to properly implement or maintain security features. Security requirements provide a foundation of vetted security functionality for an application, the OWASP team explained in a document on the project.