Force Dependence of Velocity and Run Length of Kinesin-1, Kinesin-2 and Kinesin-5 Family Molecular Motors PMC

The arrow thickness denotes the magnitude of the transition probability under low load. The different experimental values of run length and velocity for different kinesins are reproduced by adjusting some parameters (e.g., Ew1, Ew2 and ENL) and with values of other parameters being chosen based on the available experimental data. The origin is revealed of the three dimers with shorter NL lengths having longer run lengths than with longer NL lengths. Additionally, with our model the asymmetric or limping movement dynamics of the three kinesin-1, kinesin-2 and kinesin-5 homodimers with and without altered NL lengths are studied, providing predicted results (Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11). The test of these predicted results by future experiments is critical not only to the understanding of the movement mechanism of kinesin dimers but also to the understanding of the origin of limping effect of the kinesin homodimers. Based on the above evidence and/or arguments, a typical forward stepping of the kinesin dimer at low ATP concentration ([ATP]) is illustrated in Figure 1.

  1. The origin is revealed of the three dimers with shorter NL lengths having longer run lengths than with longer NL lengths.
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  4. In Figure 1g during the period before ADP is released from the MT-bound head (called Period II), the dimer can also dissociate from MT with a large probability by overcoming weak Ew2.
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  6. In Figure 1d, Pi can also be released occasionally from the trailing head before ADP is released from the leading head (Figure 1g).

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Additionally, the asymmetric (limping) movement dynamics of the three families of homodimers with and without altered neck linker lengths are studied, providing predicted results. Taken together, for the three families of kinesin dimers with longer NL lengths (17 or 18 AAs) the run lengths are reduced largely relative to those with shorter NL length (14 AAs). (a) Before stepping, the trailing head in ADP.Pi state binds strongly to site I on MT while the leading head in ϕ state binds strongly to site II.

2. Processivity of Kinesin Dimers

For comparisons, the corresponding single-molecule data of Andreasson et al. [8,18] are shown in right panels of Figure 6. It is seen that the simulated and experimental data show consistent with each other. Based on the model (Figure 1), the equations for the mechanical stepping and MT unbinding are presented in Section S5 (see Supplementary Information).

1. Velocity of kinesin Kimers

Values of parameters used in the simulation for wild-type kinesin-1, kinesin-2 and kinesin-5. The greater the volume of transactions, the more fees available to KVT holders and the greater the potential KVT value. All information presented are the views, opinions and understanding of the author. Nothing contained on this website is financial, investment or any other professional advice.

The inclusion of the effect will further enlarge the difference between the unloaded and loaded run lengths but have little effect on the velocity because ρ is very large. Figure 5a,b shows simulated results of the run length versus [ATP] at different values of the applied load and versus the applied load at different values of [ATP], respectively. For comparisons, the corresponding single-molecule data of Valentine and Block [15] are also plotted in Figure 5. It is seen that the simulated and experimental data are in quantitative agreement with each other. From Figure 2a, Figure 3a and Figure 4a we see that for all of the three families of kinesin dimers the dependence of the velocity on [ATP] follows the Michaelis-Menten relation. From Figure 2b, Figure 3b and Figure 4b we see that for all of the three families of kinesin dimers, the dependence of the velocity on force has a sigmoid form and the velocity decreases as the backward force increases.

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Driver scores are created to help you manage any specific risks to your business in terms of costs from significant wear and tear on the vehicle and even potential downtime due to accidents. See highlights such as the distance a vehicle has travelled, the number of journeys made and a total drive time for a specific reporting period. Vehicle colour coding allows easy identification of vehicles based on function, department or type.

The Kinesis lite tracking system requires no device installation at all, simply a mobile app that uses GPS technology to track the vehicle. In this paper, we focus on three families of them—kinesin-1, kinesin-2 and kinesin-5—which have been studied intensively with diverse experimental techniques. The total fees the Kinesis system earns is dependent on both the amount of KAU and KAG in the system (metal in circulation) as well how often it is transacted (it’s velocity).


The rather different features of the effect of loading direction on the run length between the two kinesin dimers can be explained as follows. Taken together, since the three families of kinesin dimers show much similar mechanism of the processive movement, they exhibit the similar feature on the dependence of the velocity upon [ATP] and upon the external force. However, since kinesin-5 and kinesin-2 have larger NL-docking energy than kinesin-1, the velocities of kinesin-5 and kinesin-2 are less affected by the backward force than the velocity of kinesin-1.

Or you can show these documents to your accountant and forward the letter he writes you to Kinesis Support. These are a special token that only participate in the yield system of Kinesis. 20% of the generated yields are set aside to pay KVT holders, and there is a hardcoded limit of 300,000 KVT. Owners of KVT succeed and profit only if Kinesis succeeds and profits, but if Kinesis becomes successful these tokens will become very valuable.

(g) From (d) Pi can be released occasionally from the trailing head before ADP is released from the leading head. During the period before ADP is released from the MT-bound head (called Period II, shaded in blue), the dimer can dissociate from MT with a large probability by overcoming the low binding energy Ew2. (h) From (g), the dimer has not dissociated from MT until ADP is released.

In Figure 1d, Pi can also be released occasionally from the trailing head before ADP is released from the leading head (Figure 1g). In Figure 1g during the period before ADP is released from the MT-bound head (called Period II), the dimer can also dissociate from MT with a large probability by overcoming weak Ew2. If the dimer has not dissociated until ADP is released (Figure 1h), the system becomes the same as Figure 1b except that a forward step of the dimer was made. Taken together, our simulated results show that while the wild-type kinesin-1 homodimer (Kin114) shows the limping behavior, the kinesin-1 homodimer with extended NLs (Kin117) does not show the limping behavior.

Figure 3a (left panel) shows simulated results of the velocity versus [ATP] under no applied load. Figure 3b (left panel) shows simulated results of the velocity versus the applied load at saturating [ATP] (2 mM). For comparisons, the single-molecule data of Andreasson et al. [8] are shown in right panels of Figure 3.

The simulated results reproduce well the available experimental data on the force dependence of velocity and run length. Moreover, the simulated results on the velocity and run length for the three dimers with altered neck linker lengths are also in quantitative agreement with the available experimental data. The studies indicate that the three families of kinesins show much similar movement mechanism and the rather different features on the force dependence of run length arise mainly from the difference in rate constants of the ATPase activity and neck linker docking.