What does favourable and unfavourable variance mean?

This can result in the reported revenue varying greatly from the expectation of the forecasted budget. Some expenses may not be able to be altered in the short term, but most expenses can be eliminated without impacting your company’s profits. Tota cost variance can be calculated by comparing total expected cost and total actual cost i.e. 15,000 and 15,500 respectively. Let’s also assume that the quality of the low-cost denim ends up being slightly lower than the quality to which your company is accustomed. This lesser quality denim causes the production to be a bit slower as workers spend additional time working around flaws in the material. In addition to this decline in productivity, you also find that some of the denim is of such poor quality that it has to be discarded.

  • The first question to ask is “Why do we have this unfavorable variance of $2,000?
  • This term helps pinpoints areas of inefficiencies or incorrect budget forecasting that might adversely affect profit margin.
  • Unfavorable variances provide a learning opportunity for companies to investigate the discrepancies, understand their causes, and take corrective measures to improve their future performance.
  • The business has only been running for about six months but has proven popular internationally because of the customization process and the good quality fabric you use.
  • Nevertheless, probabilistic reasoning enables capturing succinct and relevant aspects of any random phenomenon.
  • A sales variance occurs when the projected sales volumes of a product or service don’t meet the goal or projected figures.

It serves as an early warning system, enabling managers to promptly identify and address issues that cause shortcomings in achieving planned objectives. For instance, an increase in production cost might result in an unfavorable variance, prompting a review of the procurement process for raw materials, labour efficiency, or machinery operations. Thus, managing unfavorable variance ensures budgetary control, promotes operational efficiency, and contributes to improved profitability and growth of a business. Unfavorable variance is a crucial concept in business and finance as it aids in identifying discrepancies between projected and actual performance, which is critical in managerial decision-making and strategizing. It falls under the umbrella of variance analysis, an essential aspect of management accounting, being the difference between a budgeted, planned, or standard amount and the actual amount incurred or earned. This term helps pinpoints areas of inefficiencies or incorrect budget forecasting that might adversely affect profit margin.

Favorable versus Unfavorable Variances

As a result you are spending more than expected on materials, and this price variance is costing you. Now when you look at your financial statements you see an unfavorable variance. Ideally, as a small business owner, you would hope a financial analysis will result in a favorable or positive variance, meaning you are not exceeding your budget. However, that does not mean a negative variance may be unexpected for your quarter or year end.

This usually happens when revenue is lower than expected or when expenses are higher than expected. Unfavorable variance is an accounting term that describes instances where actual costs are greater than the standard or projected costs. An unfavorable variance can alert management i forgot to send my contractors a 1099 that the company’s profit will be less than expected. The sooner an unfavorable variance is detected, the sooner attention can be directed towards fixing any problems. But at times, an organization may experience certain variances from its original budget plans.

Revenue and Expense Variances

Sales volume variance and selling price variance are revenue variances, while the rest are expense variances. We would have expected and additional $560 in payroll expense, so we have an unfavorable variance of $280 of additional expense, even adjusting for the additional revenue. Total revenue variance can calculated after computing total expected revenue and total actual revenue. This means that the combination of all revenue and expense variances created a $300 favorable variance for net income. When it comes to variances, there are a few key factors that can make them either favorable or unfavorable. A variance that is more severe is typically going to be seen as more unfavorable than one that is less severe.

Standard Costing Outline

While the term unfavorable usually signals a negative aspect, this is not always the case. Unfavorable variances provide a learning opportunity for companies to investigate the discrepancies, understand their causes, and take corrective measures to improve their future performance. Financial managers can analyze the data to consider if a favorable budget variance is a result of higher than planned selling prices, greater quantities, lower expenses or an unexpected increase in customer demand. Similarly, if expenses were projected to be $200,000 for the period but were actually $250,000, there would be an unfavorable variance of $50,000, or 25%.

Understanding Sales Price Variance

Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) has worked as a university accounting instructor, accountant, and consultant for more than 25 years. Asking yourself why a variance has occurred could help you plan your budget better. Timing variances can be reversed quickly though because when you were short in one period, you will likely be covered in the next period and eventually end up the right spot overall. Let’s say a clothing store has 50 shirts that it expects to sell for $20 each, which would bring in $1,000. The shirts are sitting on the shelves and not selling very quickly, so the store chooses to discount them to $15 each.


For example, if the expected price of raw materials was $7 a pound but the company was forced to pay $9 a pound, the $200 variance would be unfavorable instead of favorable. In conclusion, a variance can be either favorable or unfavorable depending on the context. A favorable variance means a good outcome while an unfavorable variance is likely to lead to inefficiencies and potentially bad outcomes. To ensure that your organization has the best chances of achieving positive results, it is important to understand what factors influence whether a result will be perceived as favorable or unfavorable.

You can conduct a variance analysis of financial statements, hours your employees log, purchase receipts, etc. Statistical tests such as variance tests or the analysis of variance (ANOVA) use sample variance to assess group differences of populations. A company with a positive variance mostly succeeds in leveling up its revenue stream. But a favorable variance does not necessarily indicate that all business conditions are in an organization’s favor. Favorable variances are mostly seen as positive because they save costs for a business. They occur because of factors like efficient resource utilization, cost savings, higher productivity, or other positive factors impacting the outcome.

Unfavorable variance definition

As a company grows, it may have learned ways to produce more without a need to increase its expenses, resulting in a higher revenue stream. However, a favorable variance may indicate that production expectations were not realistic in the first place, which is more likely if the company is new. Sales price variance is the difference between the price at which a business expects to sell its products or services and what it actually sells them for. Sales price variances are said to be either “favorable,” or sold for a higher-than-targeted price, or “unfavorable” when they sell for less than the targeted or standard price. Let’s assume that the Direct Materials Usage Variance account has a debit balance of $2,000 at the end of the accounting year. A debit balance is an unfavorable balance resulting from more direct materials being used than the standard amount allowed for the good output.

A management team could analyze whether to bring in temporary workers to help boost sales efforts. Management could also offer target-based financial incentives to salespeople or create more robust marketing campaigns to generate buzz in the marketplace for their product or service. Budget variance provides the difference between the actual results and the budgeted amounts. It provides insights into an organization’s performance and whether it aligns with its financial plans or budgets. Large and small businesses prepare monthly budgets that show forecasted sales and expenses for upcoming periods. This variance would be presented on paper as either $200 unfavorable, -$200 or ($200).