BYPRODUCT definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Since this disposal process can be a costly process which adds to the production expenditures already incurred, industries tend to limit byproducts. The byproduct is a common outcome in the majority of production processes. It often happens that along with the main output, a secondary product is also yielded. It is in a lesser quantity and also is of lower overall value as compared to the main product. Many times, the production process results in the creation of Leftover products. These leftover products may not be as valuable as the main product, but they too have some economic value.

He is an accomplished author of thousands of insightful articles, including in-depth analyses of brands and companies. Holding an MBA in Marketing, Hitesh manages several offline ventures, where he applies all the concepts of Marketing that he writes about. So here, the company has to incur those expenses in waste disposal as per the legal requirements and write-off these expenses in the regular profit and loss account. As discussed in the example above, Ethylene is very valuable and it can be sold at premium prices and the profits earned can be used for capacity building for the mainstream business. Our writing and editorial staff are a team of experts holding advanced financial designations and have written for most major financial media publications. Our work has been directly cited by organizations including Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Investopedia, Forbes, CNBC, and many others.

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Hence, here the customer doesn’t have much choice but to buy the ink from the manufacturer only. So, the manufacturer can afford to price the ink at premium levels as his customer base is almost guaranteed. Generally, any company will follow one or more pricing strategies for their product mix. These pricing strategies need to be referred so that we can understand pricing later on. A financial professional will offer guidance based on the information provided and offer a no-obligation call to better understand your situation. Someone on our team will connect you with a financial professional in our network holding the correct designation and expertise.

  • If there is no clear differentiation between primary products and byproducts, treat them all as primary products.
  • Method 2 recognizes the need to assign some cost to the by-product.
  • Marketing and administrative expenses may also be allocated to the by-product on some equitable basis.
  • Many people suffer slight poisoning from CO every day from cigarettes, car exhaust, and faulty combustion devices.
  • Combustion byproducts in buildings come from heating appliances, automobiles, and tobacco smoke.

The revenue generated from the sale of this product can be used to meet some expenses of the business or bring down the costing of the main product. This gives a much needed competitive advantage to the business in the market. Thus, a sale of a By-Product can be beneficial to the business if that is priced correctly and at optimum levels by the business. A by-product is typically the leftovers from an activity that continues to be useful to your company, but doesn’t contribute directly to its intended purpose or production process. For example, if your company makes tires it might also produce sawdust as a by-product. But if your company runs a wood shop, the sawdust may be useful for flooring or other products.

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A by-product is a product with a relatively small total value that is produced simultaneously with a product of greater total value. Product is a classical Latin word from productum, meaning “something produced.” The English use, to mean “anything produced,” is from the late 16th century. Byproduct, or by-product, is a compound word and is never written as two separate words. And it should never be spelled as bi-product since by- is the accepted English prefix spelling.

What is a By-Product? By-Products Examples and Pricing Strategies

All costs not reasonably attributable to any one product are considered period costs, and should be recorded on the income statement as sg&a (selling, general and administrative expenses). In addition, the production (manufacturing) cost of the main product is credited. However, it is necessary to report accumulated manufacturing costs applicable to by-product inventory on the balance sheet.

In certain chemical reactions such as nuclear fuel processing, the resulting byproducts cannot be marketed as part of the main product and are too dangerous to be marketed individually. Disposing them off in their original form can result in pollution or other harmful effects. Where this treatment process is not possess, companies need to find a way to contain these byproducts. Alternatively, if the by-product has a market value at that split-off point, the by-product account is charged with this market value.

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This team of experts helps Finance Strategists maintain the highest level of accuracy and professionalism possible. Marketing and administrative expenses may also be allocated to the by-product on some equitable basis. The balance of this account is shown in the income statement using one of the procedures outlined clearing account in Method 1. Method 2 recognizes the need to assign some cost to the by-product. However, it does not attempt to allocate any of the main product’s cost to the by-product. In most cases, manufacturers can exercise only a limited level of control over the quantity of the by-product that comes into existence.

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However, it reduces the manufacturing cost of the main product not by the actual revenue received, but by an estimate of the by-product’s value at the time of recovery. It is a step toward recognizing a by-product’s cost prior to the split-off from the main product. It is also the closest approach to the methods used in joint product costing. In this case, the $1,500 revenue from the by-product would be deducted from the $15,000 cost of goods sold figure, thereby lowering the cost and increasing the gross profit and operating income.

The main products of this industry are whole logs, but every tree has branches and smaller sections that can’t be used as full logs. These sections are typically ground up in a wood chipper to make wood chips. These are then sold to professional landscapers and home garden enthusiasts.

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The by-product should be recorded as inventory until its intended marketability has been established. The cost of a by-product is attributed to individual products manufactured using it if those products are finished and ready for sale, or if there is a market for the by-products. If a market is not established, the cost of the by-product remains in ending inventory until it is sold as part of the main products.

A byproduct may be an unintended, but not necessarily unwelcome, result of an initial process. For instance, the grape seed oil is a byproduct of the winemaking process, and molasses is a byproduct of the refining of sugar. Danielle McLeod is a highly qualified secondary English Language Arts Instructor who brings a diverse educational background to her classroom. With degrees in science, English, and literacy, she has worked to create cross-curricular materials to bridge learning gaps and help students focus on effective writing and speech techniques.